Innovation Stage

Publié le par Fabrice Donnadieu - mis à jour le

Annonces & lancements, innovation et études de cas 

Découvrez la communauté mondiale des innovateurs sur le TRUSTECH Innovation Stage !

En 2017, TRUSTECH Innovation Stage fut le lieu central de l’événement, il est entièrement dédié à l’innovation.

La communauté mondiale des innovateurs et disrupteurs se réunira pour présenter des idées et des produits devant une audience de clients, partenaires, investisseurs potentiels et de journalistes.

L'Innovation Stage a présenté  :

  • Des lancements de produits et des annonces sur les dernières innovations de la part de nos exposants et sponsors
  • Des sessions de pitchs faites par des Startups : mettez en lumière votre idée, produit ou solution en live

 TRACKS 2017

Identity, Authentication & Biometrics

Various technologies and approaches to Identity Access Management (IAM) are increasingly being used by enterprises and service providers to improve security and ensure that users are able to securely access their services, protecting data and revenue streams in the process.  The identity, authentication and biometrics pitching sessions will highlight innovative solutions, including 3D imaging and multiple biometric modes, plus advances relating to standards such as FIDO, for mobile, online and in-person.



A selection of Nordic start-ups in the FinTech sector have been invited to pitch their innovative solutions at Trustech, highlighting how they advance awareness and adoption of technology by disrupting and challenging the status quo in the financial sector.  Previous speakers in this category have been from France, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the UK.


Payments, Retail & POS

Advances continue to be made to improve the convenience and security of payments across retail environments, including in-store and at point of sale (POS), mobile (in-app and NFC contactless) and online (e-commerce).  These sessions will highlight the latest breakthroughs and announcements relating to HCE and tokenisation, loyalty and rewards, omni-channel coverage and improved use of data to provide better insight and user experience.


IoT & Devices

Ever growing connectivity and adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) across multiple long- and short-range, open and proprietary standards, low power and also high bandwidth protocols means that questions are raised regarding best implementation almost as quickly as they are answered.  The pitching sessions on the Innovation Stage will look at new devices, new applications and standards for connected devices and platforms to address fragmentation, improving secure data and transactions across smart home, consumer, transportation and the industrial sectors.


Security & Innovation

As threats to security relating to data protection, devices, networks and services have all increased and with growing awareness amongst users there has been a collective improvement to the implementation, design and adoption of secure solutions.  Maintaining the balance between security, convenience and usability is essential and the Innovation Stage will highlight news from companies relating to encryption, tokens, hardware security modules (HSMs), secure elements and emerging technologies.